Manipulating a Structure • To stop any structure motion: Press any key or click the mouse (keep the mouse down until motion effectively stops!). • To rotate a structure around its Z-axis (vertical): Click and Drag UNDER the dashed line drawn at the bottom part of the image window ('Drag' means keeping the mouse down while moving it!). The cursor turns into an arrow pointing to the left or the right depending on the direction in which the mouse is being dragged. Rotation speed is modulated to allow a smooth control of the structure orientation. This method is preferable to the next one: • To rotate a structure around its X- and Z-axis: Click and Drag anywhere ABOVE the dashed line drawn at the bottom part of the image window. The cursor turns into four arrows. • To move a structure in the image window: Drag (click and hold the mouse button down) with the SpaceBar down. • To recenter a structure (i.e. put the rotation atom in the window center): ⌘=. To recenter and make the structure fit the image window, press OptionKey and ⌘=. • To zoom: ⌘+ to zoom in, ⌘- to zoom out. Releasing keys will stop zooming. When a structure containing more than 5 residues/bases is manipulated, only the main chain is displayed to improve motion smoothness (hetero-residues, water molecules, H-bonds… are not displayed). However holding the OptionKey down when a motion is requested will keep all atoms and all H-bonds visible during motion.